The Day An Anxiety Naturopath Fell Into My Lap, And Said All The Right Things

anxiety solutions naturopath

Woah, this was much less scarier then the emergency room.

It was 3 years ago, and my determination to end my anxiety disorder naturally took me on a path to visiting a naturopath. I had tried everything everyone had told me to try including my very kind, but very repetitive and boring anxiety therapist: God, calming potions, some strange herb with 6 different numbers on it, miracle techniques online for panic attacks, even sharing my troubles one night with my beloved dog… Binny.

Nothing seemed to work, and sadly the guidance I was getting was from people who had absolutely no clue what it was like to have an anxiety disorder, or knew much about the condition in the first place. So I ran into an ad in the local newspaper that Read:

‘Are You Exhausted? Do you feel stressed? Are you constantly worrying about things?’

Yes sir, that all sounded like me for sure. It was an ad for a newly opened Naturopath just a few blocks from my house. I thought what the hell, let’s go see what she has to say…

So there I was a few minutes in Sonja the Naturpath’s room, explaining my whole panic and anxiety sob story to her.

She then mentioned something called Candida Albicans.“Candi wha?” I asked. I had never heard of it, but apparently it had affected me greatly. She told me that many leading edge researchers these days believe that anxiety is in fact symptomatic of an overgrowth of candida in the body, and that it is a combination of more than 80 different poisonous toxins in the body. These toxins can in fact mirror and interfere with many of the body’s hormones, such as adrenaline for example, and when this occurs such feelings of intense anxiety can be induced. She followed up this extremely valuable information with a list of symptoms that could be caused by candida overgrowth, and asked me to reply with a yes or no when she named each one to me:

“Foggy mind? “Yes,” I replied.  “Depression or mood swings?”

best anxiety blog

I don’t think i’ve ever said yes this many times in a row doc…

“Yes.” “Panic attacks?” “Yes.” “Poor memory.” “Yes.”  “Extreme fatigue? “YES!”

(The Yes’s went on for another 30 seconds if you were curious)

It seemed the stars were all aligned that day, and when you see a glimmer of hope after suffering with GAD and panic attacks for as long as I did, it seemed like a small miracle, one I needed to follow up on to see if my symptoms I was experiencing would subside.

So I added certain things to my diet that would help detoxify my body from these invaders such as:

Acidophilus – Acidophilus helps to maintain a balanced gut flora by helping to keep harmful bacteria under control. It greatly assists in protein digestion, and also produces B vitamins and has an antibacterial effect that greatly adds to the detoxification of harmful substances. Vitamin C – Vitamin C will allow your immunity to get stronger and overtake the yeast infection faster, a weak immune system 6513163765_5bc6128a2e_zmakes you more prone to yeast infections. Coconut Oil – In its purest form coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that can help in preventing the spread of yeast infections. Garlic – Consuming just one clove of garlic daily can be used for treating candida infections as well as other bacterial infections in the body, mainly because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Ginger – A natural anti-fungal agent, ginger can be taken by chewing a piece each day or by crushing it and boiling it with a cup of water and taken as tea up to three times a day. Water – two litres of purified water a day is essential to flush out any toxic substances and yeast that is present in the intestines and genital areas.

“Diet is one part of anxiety that has always been overlooked by sufferers and is a very important part of the overall package that is needed for an eventual cure.”

But changing these foods recommended by my naturopath as well as shutting out artificial, fried foods and foods with preservatives wasn’t an easy task and didn’t happen right away for me. It started with very small changes here and there. Instead of a eating a fun looking cereal for breakfast, I replaced it with granola that tasted like cardboard (my taste buds have since adapted).

Have you visited a naturopath before for your symptoms of anxiety perhaps? Share your experiences in the comment section, and follow along the anxiety guy blog for the latest and greatest when it comes to natural anxiety relief.

Are You Running, Or Allowing When It Comes To Panic Attacks?

how to stop panic attacks

I know what you’re thinking, Dennis you’re crazy. How in the world can I simply ALLOW a panic attack to take place when all these thoughts and anxious sensations are consuming me completely? I don’t blame you, it’s not easy. The imaginations of such creative people like ourselves, who’ve suffered in the past and who still suffer from certain anxiety disorders, can run wild. Thoughts of impending doom, confusion, and even frustration are all quite normal when it comes to the one experiencing the full blown panic attack. But the practice of allowing is something that must be conditioned, even in the worst panic attack scenarios. By reacting to anxious thoughts in a physcial manner and possibly running to the ‘safe zone’ each and everytime a panic attack strikes, we feed the cycle of panic greatly. But we can reverse the process by building enough confidence in ourselves, by becoming knowledgable through anxiety blogs such as this one, and eventually looking fear straight in the eyes and holding up a big white flag that reads’I surrender.’

The Anxiety Guy Lays Hidden In Each And Everyone Of Us

The Anxiety Guy

These words lay right across my bed, and each night I’m reminded of our true potential.


Yep, you’re not alone in North America or throughout the world if you are currently going through a condition called anxiety disorder. To put things in perspective for you 26.2% of people in America older then the age of 18 (1 in 4) are suffering from some sort of mental disorder, so to tell you the truth The Anxiety Guy was created mainly out of frustration.

The Anxiety Guy  Is No Superman That’s For Sure, But I Do Know What Works And What Doesn’t When It Comes To Anxiety…

You may have read some of my posts on my thoughts about anxiety therapy, and prescription medications when it comes to panic attacks, generalized anxiety, health anxiety etc. I think it’s all bogus really, and my goal is to create a community of like minded people looking to stop anxiety naturally. As I write this for you my readers now, I can’t tell you the power that experience brings with it. My 6 year battle with health anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental conditions has shown me the two very real and very scary paths an anxiety sufferer can take.

Path #1) Natural path to conquering anxiety and panic.

Embarking on a path where the unknown world is scary, for the simple reason that it’s a path that is far too unfamiliar for the anxious minded person. It’s like stepping into an extremely cold ocean of water, and pulling back instantly. The fear is just too much to take, it’s uncomfortable and there is no guarantee in their minds of what the future will be like if they embark on this path of natural anxiety recovery.

Path #2) Coping with anxiety and ‘getting by’ from day to day.

This path is far more likely to not cause any unknown pop-ops from day to day. The anxious conditioning brews on just as it

the anxiety guy

It’s always the first few steps that are the hardest…

did the day before, the work day goes by just as it did, and the evening brings about a feeling of exhaustion, mental, and emotional fatigue just as it did in days before. This is the world that most of those 26.2% of Americans live in, and will be living in until their days are done. Simply fearing putting in both feet into the cold ocean water, and eventually swimming freely through their fears without paying them much attention. Everyone who has naturally stopped their GAD, panic attacks, health anxiety etc after suffering for months and ever years has The Anxiety Guy in them. They have a unique set of tools in their mental and emotional toolbox that took time to condition, and now see the world much less darker then days past.

As unknown and uncomfortable as Path #1 may be, I challenge you, the one with the anxiety disorder to expect more from life.

Get to the point of what I call ‘No Return’ and become fed up with continuing on a path that is far from your true potential. The Anxiety Guy End The Anxiety Program’s checking in system provides you with a mentor, a mentor that has been in your shoes and can pick you up when setbacks occur (and they will). So take today to re-evaluate what your deepest desires are for your life, and get to the point of no return. Once that is accomplished your half way through that deep dark tunnel called anxiety.

Does Difficult Decision Making And Anxiety Go Hand In Hand?

decision making and anxiety

Anxiety brings with it many faces, but i’m sure you knew that already from experience. One of the most annoying symptoms of anxiety is the inability to properly make a decision. To have a mind clear enough to decide right then and there whether to take the stairs, or the elevator for example. The simplest tasks can seem like a 100 foot wall standing in front of you, and soon you may begin completely putting your life in the hands of your subconscious, non caring, non thinking ways.

This Is When Things Can Go Terribly Wrong

As I write this for you, the one suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, health anxiety or even a certain phobia such as agoraphobia today, I feel a sense of gratefulness. Grateful that I went through an anxiety disorder, and came out the other side maybe a little exhausted and mentally fatigued but that’s all. So don’t think for a second all hope is lost. The thinking process you have right now which may be pretty much non exisitent, is due to your deep sensitization, fears you may feel are lurking at every corner, and mental exhaustion due to the clutter in your mind. The inability to make straight forward decisions are common with constant anxiety, and as a house can be de-cluttered of the garbage, and useless items it holds for many years, so can your mind be rid of the very things that are preventing you from living the life you desire.

So How Do We Begin De-Cluterring So That Our Decision Making Comes Easy To Us Again?

Simple, just make a list. I can hear you now, Dennis I hate making lists! To that I say, would you trade in 10 minutes of your time to begin the process of de-cluttering your life so that you can finally, once and for all take power back from living a life of reaction and fear? I hear a YES! Awesome let’s get to it.

This list involves 6 very important areas of your life, and in each area I want you to pick out what part is causing you

decision making and anxiety

It’s really not as easy as ‘just pick the gray one’ with anxiety…

mental, physical or even emotional exhaustion. The areas you will be writing about are:

  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Health and Fitness
  • Finances
  • Social Life
  • Spiritual Development

So an example for your list may be under the category of social life, where the local pub you hang out weekly (or even daily which was the case for me during my past life with anxiety) is draining you physically because you’re throwing back one more beer then you know you should. This contributes to your exhaustion greatly, and only adds to your cluttered mind and reactive ways in the days after a night out. Another example may be your relationship with a friend that you may need to cut out because it’s simply too emotionally draining. I would know because i’ve had some pretty good friends in my time who’ve dropped their sad life experiences on me on a daily basis.

Now that you get the idea of how to de-clutter, end exhaustion and ultimately become a clearer decision maker.

Take some time now to grab your journal (for heavens sake get a journal if you don’t have one already) and begin writing! In a short amount of time this symptom of anxiety will be a thing of the past, and you’ll have only yourself to be proud of.

Follow along The Anxiety Guy blog or Main Site for your daily dose of inspiration against anxiety, as well as proven, powerful, and simple to apply tools that will work for you to stop your anxiety disorder naturally. 


Breakfast Is Served!


You know, with a little bit of effort in changing our diets it truly can make an amazing difference in the quality of our lives. I think this mix of fruits and veg may be the tastiest and most enjoyable for me yet, so give it a try!


6 large organic carrots (using juicer first)
1 large handful of organic greens
1 banana
1 scoop of vegans proteins plus (chocolate)