7 Power Foods To Lower Your Stress And Anxiety levels

foods against anxiety

Can eating the right foods give you relief from stress and anxiety?

I believe it can make a big difference definitely, especially if you add these 7 foods to your daily intake.


Did you know that avocados are actually a fruit? It’s true! An amazing source of B6 and folic acid that both help with proper nervous system functioning.


blueberries for anxiety

Blueberries especially are superfoods that are packed with a variety of antioxidants, these antioxidants are known to be extremely beneficial against stress and anxiety.


In your new anti-anxiety diet oranges can not be ignored. Research has shown that by simply peeling and sniffing an orange your blood pressure drops by a few points. Imagine what it can do for you if you eat it!


foods against anxiety

Zinc defiency can cause depression, and with these shellfish containing 7 times the serving of zinc over any other food, you may just put the nasty smell of it behind you.


Did you know that just one ounce of walnuts can replace your stress depleted B vitamins? With those kinds of stats this nut can’t be ignored.

Dark Chocolate

Want to reduce cortisol levels? Grab a piece (I said a piece!) of dark chocolate without the added sugars or milks. The compounds in dark chocolate helps to lift your mood, so you can stop the guilt of eating dark chocolate now.

Chamomile Tea

chamomile tea for stress and anxiety

My personal favourite tea to drink, especially just before bed. Did you know that some compounds in chamomile actually act the same way as valium for your brain receptors? If you don’tlike the tea form, you can always use the supplement form to help with stress and anxiety in your life.

Bottom line is food makes a difference, a big difference when it comes to lowering your stress and anxiety levels. I go much deeper into a set anti-anxiety diet plan in my nutrition plan to combat stress and anxiety ebook, but It simply can’t be ignored. So begin to consciouly pick out what you put in your body and use this list to help you out.

Is there certain foods that have helped or hurt your progress over relieving stress and anxiety from your life? Share your experiences in the comment section below.

The Day An Anxiety Naturopath Fell Into My Lap, And Said All The Right Things

anxiety solutions naturopath

Woah, this was much less scarier then the emergency room.

It was 3 years ago, and my determination to end my anxiety disorder naturally took me on a path to visiting a naturopath. I had tried everything everyone had told me to try including my very kind, but very repetitive and boring anxiety therapist: God, calming potions, some strange herb with 6 different numbers on it, miracle techniques online for panic attacks, even sharing my troubles one night with my beloved dog… Binny.

Nothing seemed to work, and sadly the guidance I was getting was from people who had absolutely no clue what it was like to have an anxiety disorder, or knew much about the condition in the first place. So I ran into an ad in the local newspaper that Read:

‘Are You Exhausted? Do you feel stressed? Are you constantly worrying about things?’

Yes sir, that all sounded like me for sure. It was an ad for a newly opened Naturopath just a few blocks from my house. I thought what the hell, let’s go see what she has to say…

So there I was a few minutes in Sonja the Naturpath’s room, explaining my whole panic and anxiety sob story to her.

She then mentioned something called Candida Albicans.“Candi wha?” I asked. I had never heard of it, but apparently it had affected me greatly. She told me that many leading edge researchers these days believe that anxiety is in fact symptomatic of an overgrowth of candida in the body, and that it is a combination of more than 80 different poisonous toxins in the body. These toxins can in fact mirror and interfere with many of the body’s hormones, such as adrenaline for example, and when this occurs such feelings of intense anxiety can be induced. She followed up this extremely valuable information with a list of symptoms that could be caused by candida overgrowth, and asked me to reply with a yes or no when she named each one to me:

“Foggy mind? “Yes,” I replied.  “Depression or mood swings?”

best anxiety blog

I don’t think i’ve ever said yes this many times in a row doc…

“Yes.” “Panic attacks?” “Yes.” “Poor memory.” “Yes.”  “Extreme fatigue? “YES!”

(The Yes’s went on for another 30 seconds if you were curious)

It seemed the stars were all aligned that day, and when you see a glimmer of hope after suffering with GAD and panic attacks for as long as I did, it seemed like a small miracle, one I needed to follow up on to see if my symptoms I was experiencing would subside.

So I added certain things to my diet that would help detoxify my body from these invaders such as:

Acidophilus – Acidophilus helps to maintain a balanced gut flora by helping to keep harmful bacteria under control. It greatly assists in protein digestion, and also produces B vitamins and has an antibacterial effect that greatly adds to the detoxification of harmful substances. Vitamin C – Vitamin C will allow your immunity to get stronger and overtake the yeast infection faster, a weak immune system 6513163765_5bc6128a2e_zmakes you more prone to yeast infections. Coconut Oil – In its purest form coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that can help in preventing the spread of yeast infections. Garlic – Consuming just one clove of garlic daily can be used for treating candida infections as well as other bacterial infections in the body, mainly because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Ginger – A natural anti-fungal agent, ginger can be taken by chewing a piece each day or by crushing it and boiling it with a cup of water and taken as tea up to three times a day. Water – two litres of purified water a day is essential to flush out any toxic substances and yeast that is present in the intestines and genital areas.

“Diet is one part of anxiety that has always been overlooked by sufferers and is a very important part of the overall package that is needed for an eventual cure.”

But changing these foods recommended by my naturopath as well as shutting out artificial, fried foods and foods with preservatives wasn’t an easy task and didn’t happen right away for me. It started with very small changes here and there. Instead of a eating a fun looking cereal for breakfast, I replaced it with granola that tasted like cardboard (my taste buds have since adapted).

Have you visited a naturopath before for your symptoms of anxiety perhaps? Share your experiences in the comment section, and follow along the anxiety guy blog for the latest and greatest when it comes to natural anxiety relief.

Top 10 Greatest Anxiety Fighting Foods On The Planet

best foods to stop anxiety

Confused about dieting? I don’t blame you. Add the fact that people who suffer from chronic anxiety and panic disorder have difficulty getting through a day filled with over worry and panic, and you’ve got a person stuck in constant confusion and frustration on how to deal with their anxiety. Many researchers have proven the positive connections between consuming the proper foods, and combating anxiety naturally. With that being said, let’s get to the…

Top 10 Greatest Anxiety Fighting Foods On the Planet:

10) Sushi – Don’t like fish? Well it’s time to turn that ship around starting today! Sushi is loaded with stress relieving properties such as magnesium and vitamin B2 just to name a few. Time to take your loved one out for a night of sushi!

9) Blueberries – These little blue guys are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, which are both incredible stress busters and best anxiety foods on the planetwill help with dealing with anxiety. Best advice I can give you is to throw some blueberries into your morning shake, sit back, and reap the benefits.

8) Greek Yogurt – Get some plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt if you want to lower your blood pressure and get a great big dose of vitamins B6 and B12. Greek yogurt also contains magnesium and calcium all great anxiety fighters. Opa!

7) Almonds – OK, you have no excuses when it comes to eating almonds. The best thing I did as I worked on ending my own 6-year struggle with panic and anxiety was to replace my bag a day potato chip eating habit, with a handful of almonds in my pocket everyday. Go raw over roasted almonds and avoid the salted versions as sodium contributes to high blood pressure, which escalates feelings of panic and anxiety quickly.

6) Peppermint Tea – I can add teas to the list of anxiety fighter’s right? Talking purely from experience here, I found peppermintpeppermint tea for anxiety tea to be better for anxiety then chamomile tea and helped me keep my focus for longer periods, as well as kept my performance up (in every way possible). The scent of it, the taste of it, everything that comes with peppermint tea is awesome. If you feel that caffeine in tea doesn’t work well for dealing with your anxiety, you can always get the caffeine-free version. Time for a cup-o-tea!

5) Oatmeal – Depleted Serotonin levels can increase anxiety levels and keep you agitated for long periods of time, that’s where oatmeal comes in. Eating foods rich in fiber (whole grain carbohydrates) will get a steady flow of serotonin working for you. Other rich in fiber carbs to keep in mind are quinoa, and whole wheat bread.

4) Turkey – Thanksgiving Day should be the best day for anyone suffering from panic and constant anxiety. Why you may ask? Turkey contains an essential amino acid known as tryptophan, which eases anxiety and calms the mind. Think back to those days when you felt ‘nappy’ after a big turkey dinner, that’s the tryptophan talking.

3) Beets – Time to get that old juicer out and start making some fresh beet juice! With the amazing anti-inflammatory properties best foods to combat anxietythat come with fresh beet juice, you can’t afford not to make this the #1 juicing vegetable for your mind and body, as you work towards stopping your anxiety naturally.

2) Ginger – Hate eating ginger by itself? Throw it in your blender with blueberries and some leafy greens! Ginger contains an antioxidant called Gingerol, which gets rid of those bad chemicals roaming around your body that usually leads to mental and physical stress and anxiety. Still don’t want to throw it in your blender to make juice out of it? Fine, there are many herbal teas that ginger is diffused in. Gingerize yourself to help stop anxiety naturally.

1) Broccoli – Time to re train those yucky memories of broccoli from when you were a kid. Broccoli is absolutely packed with vitamins that include stress and anxiety fighting essential B vitamins, and folic acid (a family member for B vitamins). If you’re looking to relieve anxiety and stress and even send away any of those depressive symptoms you may be having, it’s time to regularly add broccoli to your diet.

The Connection between Diet And Anxiety Is Very Real…

You may be thinking, how can I possibly add all these foods to my anti anxiety diet all of a sudden. That’s where planning and patience comes in. The great thing is you don’t need loads of each and every anti anxiety food to feel the benefits, small amounts of daily intake will make a huge difference in the short tern, and your mind and body will thank you for it.

The End The Anxiety Program has been proven to help anxiety sufferers end their anxiety disorders naturally. Through this easy to understand audio program, you will be equipped to deal with every situation you face when dealing with your anxiety. To find out more visit the End The Anxiety Program page and begin your natural recovery from chronic anxiety and panic today.