Sunday’s Great Anxiety Treatment Debate: Techniques VS Strategies

what is teh best treatment for anxiety?

I wanted to spur a little debate when it comes to todays treatments for anxiety. Many online anxiety and panic attack ‘gurus’ have made quite a living by selling certain techniques that make us believe will lead to an instant cure for anxiety and panic attacks. But they’re not the only ones, many therapists for anxiety/panic disorder today are more then happy to jump on the techniques and trickery bandwagon as well.

I have no problem with techniques to deal with anxiety and panic attacks, but what happens when they stop working or don’t work at all?

The problem I see when so called ‘experts’ hand out these miracle anxiety curing techniques, is that they mask a problem that doesn’t neccessarily take care of the main issue. Take for instance panic attacks, when someone comes to me for coaching advice on dealing with panic attacks I know exactly what that person is dealing with.

“Within 5 minutes of speaking with the panic attack sufferer, I know how deep their pain truly goes”

At this point there are two things I can do:

how to handle anxiety and panic attacks

Now there’s the road you want to be on.

1) Sit down with that person suffering from panic attacks, and give them certain techniques and coping scenarios that will lead to a windy road that takes them around the problem, sometimes.

2) Show them a set strategy that tackles the thought process and actions that leads to full blown panic attacks. Thus moving them through and with their fears in a systematic and guided fashion that builds confidence in the face of their fears.

Do you see the difference?

This is why i’m not a big fan of these itty bitty techniques that only help people cope with anxiety and panic attacks. I believe that in order to turn a monster into a fly, you have to show that monster that you won’t be pushed around by his intimidating ways.

But can a technique be implemented into a strategy to overcome anxiety and panic attacks?

I guess, but it shouldn’t be the end all be all when it comes to the way you handle your anxious conditioning. So here’s my humble advice if you are one of those sufferers searching frantically online for a solution to your bewildering state:

If someone’s idea of treating your anxiety falls solely into the category of techniques and tricks to help you cope, stand up and walk out the door. Find someone who’s been in your anxious shoes, and ask for some concrete and proven advice that leads to a strategy for handling your anxiety and panic attacks naturally.

If you were an expert on the subject of anxiety would you be more on the side of techniques, strategies or a little bit of both? Share your insights in the comments section below.


Top 10 Most Common Symptoms And Reasons For Depression And Boredom (Video)

reasons for depression the anxiety guy

Did you know that every year approximately 9.5 percent of the entire American population suffers from some sort of depression? It controls the mind and can affect many more people in your life then you realize. In my experience with depression I basically had no appetite, I was always sleepy, and my mood swings were so bad that I pushed everyone around me who was trying to help me with my anxiety and depression far far away.

Depression Is No reason To Be Ashamed Though

Unfortunately this is one of those feelings associated with depression, and can really make the condition difficult to acknowledge. Anxiety and depression have become so prevelant that it’s not uncommon at all for people to be taking medication for one, or even both of these mood disorders.

I Just Can’t Stress Enough The Importance Of Nutrition And Rest For Depression

Sleep is your armor that battles depression. Without adequate rest you are much more susceptible to the self destructing and damaging messages that keep twirling around in your brain. Not enough sleep keeps you from being able to do the beneficial things on your behalf, so take a good look at whether this may be contributing to your depression.

I realize that depression cuts the appetite right out of people with this condition. But in order to battle back against depression, you need to be consuming enough of those healthy nutriets and calories so that you can provide your brain and your body with strength.

The symptoms of depression can vary greatly from one person to the next, as well the severity of the symptoms. Here are 10 of the most common symptoms of depression that people seek help for in today’s world.

1) An intense feeling of sadness that can be hard to shake off

2) Overwhelming hopelessness and a constant pessimistic attitude

3) Extreme guilt, and feelings of helplessness

top 10 reasons people feel depressed

A new day brings with it new possibilities, all you have to do is look for it.

4) No Sense of self worth

5) An increasing inability to focus as well as constant indecisiveness

6) Inexplicable weight loss or weight gain (these are triggered by eating binges or loss of appetite)

7) Suicidal inclinations

8) Short temper, irritability and constant restlessness

9) Physical afflications such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain

10) Complete loss of energy and slowing down of metabolism

Now that you’ve pinpointed exactly how depression is affecting you in your life, I bet you want to know:

The Top 10 Reasons Why People Feel Depressed And Bored?

Awesome! Sit back, try and relax, and watch the video from beginning to end. This was taken spontaneously in my car one day, so I completely apologize for the rough edges as well as The Anxious Athlete name that you now know as The Anxiety Guy.


I’m extremely proud of you for taking in this knowledge when it comes to tackling your depression and anxiety naturally. At some points of this inspirational blog for anxiety disorders I realize I can be quite blunt, but all i’m trying to do is open up your eyes to what’s really going on and what you can do to change it. I believe in you as someone in my past believed in me, now it’s time for you to believe it…

Was there anything I missed? Share your experiences with depression, and what works for you in your own life in the comment section below.


What Mental Health Counselors Don’t Want You To Know About Your Anxiety

the truth about anxiety

Having gone through therapy for my anxiety during my professional tennis playing days, i’ve seen it all. I’ve been through the whole group therapy thing as well as the 1 on 1 anxiety and panic counselling for many years, and my conclusion is that there is a potential danger that exists with anxiety therapy for the sufferer.

It was recently brought to my attention from a long time friend of mine who’s also been a psychotherapist for over 9 years, that making a living for many (not all) anxiety therapists keeps them from telling you a very important truth, and that truth is that:

You Can Actually Learn The Secrets To Curing Your Anxiety In 10 – 15 Minutes

Change started to happen for me when I started thinking progress, over perfection.

Change happens when you start thinking progress, over perfection.

Of course the ‘professionals’ would be losing a great deal of business and steady income if they told you this. Notice how I said learn though, and not end your anxiety in 10 – 15 minutes. You the one suffering from anxiety must take full responsibility for your condition, and stop the search for the ‘magic pill’ or technique once and for all.

I See Incredible Changes In People Daily Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

These people are no different then you. But these people accepted the fact that there is no magic cure out there for anxiety, and began to take their issues into their own hands instead of looking for someone else to tell them what to do. Think about the time and money you would be saving from anti anxiety medications and constant therapy if only you built up the will power for a short amount of time, to learn how to turn your anxiety switch off through CBT.

Anxiety Can Be A Complex Issue For Many, But This Doesn’t Mean It Needs To Take Years To Calm Your Nerves And Desensitze You From Your Fears

Many times we become anxious over things that simply don’t exist, we tend to imprison ourselves unconsciously when in fact we ought to be free and enjoying life a hell of a lot more. Remember also, that to be in an anxious state and in desperate need for professional help doesn’t mean that you are ‘crazy.’ It’s certainly ok to have deep legitimate feelings of depression and anxiety sometimes, and asking for help temporarily could be a good thing. But you must remember that dwelling on your ‘melancholic moods’ won’t make things go away. You must step up and begin to do your part, aside from all the external help you may be getting right now for your panic and anxiety condition.

Begin To Accept And Let Go

So many times we deny and don’t accept our imperfections. We completely hate ourselves and how we may look, as well as put a huge emphasis on how others perceive us. Many people that come to me for help with stress and anxiety in their lives don’t even like their own voice! While others are down right embarrased because of their weight, or lack of weight even.

We Can’t Let The Illusion Of Beauty, Success And Wealth From The Media Be The Source Of Our Misery

dealing with anxiety

Could this be the deep rooted source of your anxiety?

Begin comparing yourself to others less today. You may find that the root of much of your stress and anxiety lies right there, doesn’t it? Have you ever thought about where this anxiousness and hate is coming from? I know for a fact that I was in a deep trance for many years, living with an anxiety disorder and hating the universe for ‘making me this way.’ But deep down I knew that wasn’t true, I made myself this way consciously and unconsciously.

Don’t Let Anxiety Dominate Your Life.

Understand that anxiety is often an introspective activity, and it thrives on isolation. But you don’t have to be alone, you are not strange or inferior. The moment you learn to accept who and what you are is the moment you begin to understand that you are not set apart from everybody else. Learn to let go through CBT and begin to free yourself from anxiety.

What do you think? Do you think the first line of anxiety treatments today could be doing more harm then good? Share your comments and suggestions in the comment section below.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About The Anxiety Guy

So I ran through a few emails last night, and a few people who have gained some interest in The Anxiety Guy ‘mission’ as I like to call it would like to know a little bit more about the man behind all the cool posts on anxiety disorders. So I decided to put together a few of my absolute favourite things to do (post anxiety disorder of course) and share them with you, the very people who are my inspiration behind the mission of helping people deal with anxiety naturally. So let’s do this!

9 Things You Didn’t Know About The Anxiety Guy:

1) I Love To Consume Very Large Amounts Of Sushi With My Baby Boy Any time, Any Place

the anxiety guy


2) I Love Traveling The Globe and Make Funny Faces In Pictures Because They Still Make Me Uncomfortable

photo 4


3) I Can’t Go More Then 2 Days Without Watching Another Episode Of Covert Affairs

Things you didnt know about the anxiety guy


4) There’s Nothing I Enjoy More Then When Things Go Bang In The Sky!

the anxiety guy


5) I Start Every Morning Of My Day With A Power Mix Of Apple, Ginger, Beet And Carrot Juice



6) My Abolute Favourite Snack In The Whole Wide World Is Salted Seaweed Strips

The Anxiety Guy


7) My Absolute Favourite Snack In The Whole Wide World THAT I CAN’T EAT Is Bacon ):

who is the anxiety guy


8) In My Spare Time I LOOOOVE Making Strange And Interesting Cake Designs (yes, that’s supposed to be a minon from Despicable Me)

best blog for anxiety and stress

9) Finally, I love Bringing The Child In Me Out To Play As Much As I Can Each And Every Day (my fiancee on the left)

who is the anxiety guy

So there you have it, a few quick and quirky facts about how I go about my days. This list of 9 things actually gave me some real nice insight into what kind of a person I used to be, and who i’ve become and I definitely recommend you do the same. See if you can put a list of 9 things you enjoy doing more then anything together, and see if you’re being true to yourself and doing those things on a daily basis. I hope you enjoyed the ‘getting to know The Anxiety Guy’ a little better post, and I welcome all your comments and questions in the section below. 

Have an inspired Wednesday everyone.


How Much Of This Quote Do You Agree With?

inspiration against anxiety

Your subconscious mind holds your short term memory and plays a key role in your day to day functioning.

Your subconscious filters out the unnecessary information and delivers only what is needed at that moment, and is constantly at work staying very aware of your surroundings every moment. The Amygdala is part of the subconscious mind and deals with emotions, memory processing, and how we react to fear and stress triggers. Research now shows that it is in fact possible to talk to the amygdala during hypnosis, this completely relaxes the stress response and calms the nervous system so that your immune system and body can heal and rebuild. When the conscious and subconscious mind are working in harmony, the mind becomes productive, creative and healthy in its endeavors. However when this harmony is unbalanced the mind becomes dysfunctional and leads to a destructive collapse. So with that quick update on how our minds function let’s get to the fun part:

Would you agree that the quitest of people usually have the loudest minds?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below?