Top 10 Things To Never Say To Someone Having A Panic Attack

What not to say to someone having a panic attack

So you know someone who experiences regular panic attacks, and in that moment you just don’t know what to do or even worse what to say. Some of the 10 things listed below may seem humourous but trust me when I say we who have suffered from panic disorder in the past, have heard them all, and some suggestions we dislike more then others. So here we go with…

Top 10 things To Never Say To Someone Having A Panic Attack

1) “You’re taking this way too far!”

First thing that comes to my mind is, do you think I want to be feeling like I am about to die?

2) “Breathe deeper”

One of the worst things you can tell someone who’s experiencing a full blown panic attack is to breath deeper. Hyperventilating happens due to the fact that you’re breathing too quick and deep which expels too much carbon dioxide. Now you know the reason for your dizziness and numbness during a panic attack…

3) “Control yourself”

Believe me if the person having the panic attack could, they would.

4) “Hey, face your fears!”

Forcing someone who’s experiencing a panic attack towards their fear can actually back-fire in many ways. The real key is a guided systematic approach to facing the fear, when they are prepared to do so.

5) “Time to go to your happy place”

happy place during a panic attatck

That happy place you mentioned, not so happy after all.

This one brings me back to my past life with panic disorder, and a friend who would always remind me to go to my ‘happy place’during a full blown panic attack. I think he picked the idea up from the movie Happy Gilmore which was a pretty good idea if you think about it, but all I could really think of was a bunch of little devil people invading my happy place each and every time.

6) “It’s all in your head!”

I understand that I need to stop the emergency signals that keep the cycle of panic alive, I also now understand that a panic attack can in fact be stopped in 3 minutes no matter the severity of it, what I don’t understand is when people keep saying ‘it’s all in your head. It just isn’t helping so be more specific please…

7) “You are embarrassing me right now”

Not cool, if someone’s telling you this it’s time to find new friends.

8) “You need to have more faith than this!”

All this does is throw the person suffering from the panic attack deeper into a world of confusion. In the end, a prayer won’t stop a panic attack and it just might even fuel the cycle of anxiety and depression further.

9) “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff”

FYI, if someone has an anxiety disorder and has regular panic attacks out of the blue, everything is regarded as ‘big stuff.’ Reminding someone who’s experiencing a panic attack that they’ve been down this road before, and have come out of it can trigger positive memories for the sufferer. These memories can help turn the adrenaline and anxiety switch off in a short amount of time.

10) “Have a drink”

alcohol and panic attacks

This one is plain and simply the worst advice there is. The gateway to an addiction opens up because of the temporary comforting feelings that alcohol can give you during generalized anxiety, and panic attacks. So take my advice and STAY AWAY!

Panic attacks usually start with an unexplained random attack that fuels certain sensations within the person. Very often this leads to the fear of losing control all together. So if you know someone who’s currently going through a panic disorder, it’s just as important to know what NOT to do and say as it is to know what to do and say during a panic attack. This list is a great place to start.

Did I miss out on any other ‘interesting’ comments heard during a panic attack? Share your own experiences in the comment section below.

The Day An Anxiety Naturopath Fell Into My Lap, And Said All The Right Things

anxiety solutions naturopath

Woah, this was much less scarier then the emergency room.

It was 3 years ago, and my determination to end my anxiety disorder naturally took me on a path to visiting a naturopath. I had tried everything everyone had told me to try including my very kind, but very repetitive and boring anxiety therapist: God, calming potions, some strange herb with 6 different numbers on it, miracle techniques online for panic attacks, even sharing my troubles one night with my beloved dog… Binny.

Nothing seemed to work, and sadly the guidance I was getting was from people who had absolutely no clue what it was like to have an anxiety disorder, or knew much about the condition in the first place. So I ran into an ad in the local newspaper that Read:

‘Are You Exhausted? Do you feel stressed? Are you constantly worrying about things?’

Yes sir, that all sounded like me for sure. It was an ad for a newly opened Naturopath just a few blocks from my house. I thought what the hell, let’s go see what she has to say…

So there I was a few minutes in Sonja the Naturpath’s room, explaining my whole panic and anxiety sob story to her.

She then mentioned something called Candida Albicans.“Candi wha?” I asked. I had never heard of it, but apparently it had affected me greatly. She told me that many leading edge researchers these days believe that anxiety is in fact symptomatic of an overgrowth of candida in the body, and that it is a combination of more than 80 different poisonous toxins in the body. These toxins can in fact mirror and interfere with many of the body’s hormones, such as adrenaline for example, and when this occurs such feelings of intense anxiety can be induced. She followed up this extremely valuable information with a list of symptoms that could be caused by candida overgrowth, and asked me to reply with a yes or no when she named each one to me:

“Foggy mind? “Yes,” I replied.  “Depression or mood swings?”

best anxiety blog

I don’t think i’ve ever said yes this many times in a row doc…

“Yes.” “Panic attacks?” “Yes.” “Poor memory.” “Yes.”  “Extreme fatigue? “YES!”

(The Yes’s went on for another 30 seconds if you were curious)

It seemed the stars were all aligned that day, and when you see a glimmer of hope after suffering with GAD and panic attacks for as long as I did, it seemed like a small miracle, one I needed to follow up on to see if my symptoms I was experiencing would subside.

So I added certain things to my diet that would help detoxify my body from these invaders such as:

Acidophilus – Acidophilus helps to maintain a balanced gut flora by helping to keep harmful bacteria under control. It greatly assists in protein digestion, and also produces B vitamins and has an antibacterial effect that greatly adds to the detoxification of harmful substances. Vitamin C – Vitamin C will allow your immunity to get stronger and overtake the yeast infection faster, a weak immune system 6513163765_5bc6128a2e_zmakes you more prone to yeast infections. Coconut Oil – In its purest form coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that can help in preventing the spread of yeast infections. Garlic – Consuming just one clove of garlic daily can be used for treating candida infections as well as other bacterial infections in the body, mainly because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Ginger – A natural anti-fungal agent, ginger can be taken by chewing a piece each day or by crushing it and boiling it with a cup of water and taken as tea up to three times a day. Water – two litres of purified water a day is essential to flush out any toxic substances and yeast that is present in the intestines and genital areas.

“Diet is one part of anxiety that has always been overlooked by sufferers and is a very important part of the overall package that is needed for an eventual cure.”

But changing these foods recommended by my naturopath as well as shutting out artificial, fried foods and foods with preservatives wasn’t an easy task and didn’t happen right away for me. It started with very small changes here and there. Instead of a eating a fun looking cereal for breakfast, I replaced it with granola that tasted like cardboard (my taste buds have since adapted).

Have you visited a naturopath before for your symptoms of anxiety perhaps? Share your experiences in the comment section, and follow along the anxiety guy blog for the latest and greatest when it comes to natural anxiety relief.

What Are The Real Affects Of Anxiety On You?

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Unfortunately, anxiety can have a profound impact upon a sufferer’s life and relationships. To cope with the symptoms of anxiety and panic, people may start smoking or drinking too much, or misusing drugs. They can also start to avoid certain situations and only maintain those relationships that support their negative views on life.

An individual with anxiety problems may find it difficult to hold down a job, develop or maintain good relationships, or enjoying leisure time. Sleep problems can also make anxiety symptoms worse and reduce a sufferer’s ability to cope.

For some, anxiety can be so overwhelming that it takes over their  lives. They may, therefore, experience severe or frequent panic attacks, for no apparent reason, or have a persistent underlying sense of anxiety. This can then trigger other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia or OCD.

There are natural ways to reduce anxiety that are appropriate for certain types of anxiety problems.

For example, learning controlled breathing is particularly useful for controlling panic and gradually facing the situations and things that you fear (exposure) is particularly useful for phobias. Other anxiety solutions include:

Guided relaxation techniques – the symptoms can be controlled by breathing and relaxation techniques, and by

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If you’re looking for the best relaxation audio session for your anxiety, you’ve just found it through Marie Gardiner. Just click the photo…

replacing distressing, negative thoughts with positive, peaceful ones.

Assertiveness training – for some, learning how to handle difficult situations and to stand up for themselves can make
them feel more confident and, therefore, more relaxed.

Complementary therapies – can help people to relax, sleep better, and deal with the symptoms of anxiety. Yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, massage, reflexology, homeopathy and hypnotherapy are methods that can be used.

Exercise – can help people cope with anxiety and feelings of tension, and improve sleep. It uses adrenalin and other
hormones, produced under stress, allowing muscles to relax, as well as raising levels of serotonin.

Good methods of exercising are walking and swimming as they allow individuals to be active at their own pace and choose whether to exercise alone or in company.

Healthy living – a healthy diet and plenty of sleep, as well as avoiding stimulants such as coffee and cigarettes.

Talking to someone who’s been in your shoes before – can help relieve feelings as others may have had similar experiences. I know in my own personal success story over debilitating anxiety, without a mentor who I reached out to when things looked dim for me… I might just still be the one looking for a solution to my anxiety, just as you are.

The interesting part about society today is we’re all searching for quick answers to our problems, and when that doesn’t work say in the form of anxiety related prescriptions, or certain techniques or therapy, we give it up and go back to our old ways of coping with anxiety.


Because that’s what we’re used to, that’s what we know. the unknown world of recovery from anxiety can be so foreign to someone that they may in fact fear the steps it may take to stop anxiety naturally. If this sounds like you, begin your road to recovery through the #1 online anxiety program today and end the coping and ‘getting by’ once and for all.

How The End The Anxiety Program Stops Generalized Anxiety And Panic Disorder

end the anxiety program

Over the past few years we’ve had amazing success with helping people to stop their generalized anxiety disorder, and panic attacks through a program called the end the anxiety program. The program was put together not my doctors, or anxiety therapists, but from people who have been able to find natural solutions to their debilitating anxiety and panic attacks.

Through the tools and strategies that these inspirational people have used to stop their anxiety naturally, the end the anxiety program was born. But the program doesn’t just leave you with a bunch of tools and proven strategies to stop your anxiety naturally, the same people including myself are very involved in the day to day progress of each and every client that purchases the End The Anxiety Program. This is the reason that the program gets the incredible results it does and is able to turn off the anxiety switch in anxiety sufferers because unlike many anxiety solutions you’ll run into online, the end the anxiety program doesn’t leave you in confusion and frustration when setbacks occur. We take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do when a problem or setback arises.

Visit to read up on some of the amazing testimonials given to us by people who have stopped their anxiety naturally through the end the anxiety program.

3 Essential Keys To Building Your Self Confidence

Building your self confidence

Liberate yourself

Go out and do what you like! – How long has it been since you last went to have a walk among the trees, something that you loved as a child? How long has it been since  you walked hand in hand with your better half to the bakery and tossed a coin to decide what to buy? These might seem like very simple things but these simple things have the power to add on to great confidence and fulfilment. Life is actually quite simple. What gets a bit too complex though is to remain simple. isn’t it? Just as small drops of water creates the mighty ocean, the little things you enjoy doing have the capability to turn you into a storehouse of confidence. When your maker made you, He put a desire in your heart and bestowed onto you the capability to achieve it. However, in the process of growing up, you forgot what exactly your purpose was, what it was that you liked and what is was that you enjoyed doing. It happens with lots and lots of people who feel like breaking free but are too tied up in their day to day responsibilities that it gets impossible for them to spare even 10 minutes to reflect on their lives, their direction, their dreams and goals. It’s our duty to clear the mess that prevents us from hearing what our heart is trying to say. The conversations with your heart should keep getting clearer and the best way to do it is to find time to do what you enjoy. And since you enjoy doing that activity, it straightaway means that you have all the aptitude and intelligence necessary to do the job effortlessly even though you may not realize it.

Find your flockraising your self confidence

Birds of a feather flock together. You must find out people with whom you enjoy being with, not people who drain you. They are certainly the people of your frequency, and the energy flow between you and them is natural. Life becomes easy when you are among the people who are more or less on the same plane of thought as you and it’s easier to relate to them. They seem to understand you and vice versa thus creating conditions for healthy conversations. A good conversation is a very healthy exercise and an important need for our minds. We all want our ideas to be heard and appreciated and a good company provides platform for the same.

Set Achievable Goals and Go for it!

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The idea is to begin with a small single step that can then further develop into giant strides. Learn to do the work at hand rather than to overwhelm oneself by looking at the entirety of a mammoth looking task. Just like the soil underneath your foot, the top of the mountain too would someday be under your step. The only way to do something is to GO FOR IT! No matter how small the progress is the focus should be on completing a task successfully even though it is a small task. A series of big uncompleted tasks is a sure shot way to depression and further anxiety. Break a big task down into a list of small tasks to be completed. Tick off from your list each job that is successfully completed. A completed task no matter how small it is, gives a sense of achievement that boosts our confidence and equips us with more energy to try a bigger task.

Visit to get the free 21 video series on the most asked question/answers I get on anxiety today. Natural anxiety relief is possible, but you need to take the first step…