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inspiration against anxiety

Your subconscious mind holds your short term memory and plays a key role in your day to day functioning.

Your subconscious filters out the unnecessary information and delivers only what is needed at that moment, and is constantly at work staying very aware of your surroundings every moment. The Amygdala is part of the subconscious mind and deals with emotions, memory processing, and how we react to fear and stress triggers. Research now shows that it is in fact possible to talk to the amygdala during hypnosis, this completely relaxes the stress response and calms the nervous system so that your immune system and body can heal and rebuild. When the conscious and subconscious mind are working in harmony, the mind becomes productive, creative and healthy in its endeavors. However when this harmony is unbalanced the mind becomes dysfunctional and leads to a destructive collapse. So with that quick update on how our minds function let’s get to the fun part:

Would you agree that the quitest of people usually have the loudest minds?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below?