Take The 1 Minute Stress And Anxiety Test!

1 minute anxiety test

Stress and anxiety affects many factors in our body not only in our mental state. Cancer and other deadly diseases are related to stress and anxiety because of the changes in the chemical composition in our body due to stress and anxiety. You don’t have to be a victim of stress and anxiety, its just all about discipline and having a proper schedule. Not taking in anything you cannot handle will be a lot of help.

Let’s Get To The Quick 1 Minute Stress And Anxiety Test:

1. Do you experience shortness of breath, heart palpitation or shaking while at rest?
2. Do you have a fear of losing control or going crazy?
3. Do you avoid social situations because of fear?
4. Do you have fears of specific objects?
5. Do you fear that you will be in a place or situation from which you cannot escape?
6. Do you feel afraid of leaving your home?
7. Do you have recurrent thoughts or images that refuse to go away?
8. Do you feel compelled to perform certain activities repeatedly?
9. Do you persistently relive an upsetting event from the past?

Answering “Yes” to more than four of these questions can indicate an anxiety disorder. Suffering from depression, too much stress, or excessive anxiety can endanger your overall health and it’s time to take steps to overcome this – RIGHT NOW!

Learn your limitations and stick to it

Do not over exert yourself. Just try to go over the border an inch at a time. You can lead a productive successful and fulfilling life and career without the need to endanger your health. If not, you are not only killing yourself, you are also sending your family and friends and all the people around you away. Stress is a natural part of life. It can be both physical and mental and much of it can come from everyday pressures.

Everyone handles stress differently, some better than others. Left unchecked, however, stress can cause physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders which can affect your health, vitality, and peace-of-mind, as well as personal and professional relationships. As we’ve said, stress and anxiety can lead to panic attacks. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that having a panic attack can be a serious situation. But if I can get over the panic and anxiety cycle at it’s deepest pain imaginable for 6 years, so can you.

To learn more about the End The Anxiety Program visit www.theanxietyguy.com today, and also let our team answer any questions you may have along the way…

5 Powerful Tips To Help Your Child With Separation Anxiety

how to stop child separation anxiety

By the time your baby is eight months you may notice that he/she is like a character straight out of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One moment they are affectionate, outgoing and full of smiles, and the next moment, they are Terry terrible in the way of being anxious, clingy, cranky and easily scared when around things and people that are unfamiliar or new.

Don’t be dismayed. This definitely does not mean that your kid will develop multiple personalities. It’s just that they have developed a skill that enables them to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar situations.

Anxiety around strangers is a normal milestone for babies around this age and should never be a cause for worry. While they do become a little too clingy when you leave them or when someone they are not familiar with approaches them, there are ways you can help them cope and eventually stop separation anxiety.

The 5 Powerful Tips To help Your Child With Separation Anxiety:

First tip: Don’t leave your baby who’s not yet napped or who’s hungry. A baby is more vulnerable to separation anxiety when they are hungry and tired. If you plan to go out, be sure they’ve taken their nap and are full.

Second tip: Play peek-a-boo with your kid to teach her about object permanence. This means that when Mommy or Daddy go away, they’re not gone and will still come back. Do a variation of this game by playing peek-a-boo with her toys. Try hiding her Baby Einstein Puppet under a pillow or behind the couch and surprise your kid by making it reappear with a cheery shout of peek-a-boo! This will teach your kid that objects still exist even if they are out of our sight and that when Mommy or Daddy goes out, there’s nothing for them to be scared about because they’ll return.

Third tip: Practice short sessions of separation at home. For example, leave your baby alone in a child-proof room with a couple of safe toys for a few minutes. If they cry , don’t hastily come back to comfort them. Let them comfort themselves for a while and then come back when they’ve calmed down. If you immediately rush to their side at their first cry, they will get the idea that it is the way to call on you. When they see that being alone is not so bad after all, they will be able to cope with separation anxiety much more easily.

Fourth tip: When you leave, don’t try to escape through the back door. Be honest to your kid by telling them that you’ll be gone for a few hours and say goodbye. Always reassure your kid that you’ll be back by showering her with lots of hugs and kisses. If you constantly disappear suddenly, this will only do more harm than good and cause more anxiety on them. However, if they learn to trust and be confident that you’ll be back, they won’t have a hard time with you leaving.

Fifth tip: Protect her from strangers. If your kid is anxious about a stranger pinching her cheek, admiring how cute she is, thank the person for the compliment but also politely tell her that your kid is uncomfortable around strangers.

Even though a child’s world may seem so carefree with no problems and only play, a kid also goes through some hard times. Because they’re helpless and only depend on their parents, they have this fear of losing that comfortable shoulder to rely on. That’s why it is important that you help your kid overcome separation anxiety.

Stop by http://www.anxietyend.com to find out more about my 6 year battle with generalized anxiety disorder, and how the end the anxiety program can help you understand how you can help a loved one with similar anxiety issues.

Momentum Against Anxiety Starts In The Future (Video)

anxiety stopping tipsVideo Description: Grab a pen and paper because we’re about to go deep into your amazing future life. This anxiety busting tip will not only help take you away from your cycle of panic and anxiety, but it will get you to understand how your life will be not if but WHEN your anxiety disorder such as GAD, panic attacks, agoraphobia etc is eliminated.

Click To Watch – http://youtu.be/Z0hNnboDSNs

Sample From The Best Panic And Anxiety Book On The Planet!

best panic and anxiety book

Ok, so maybe it’s not the BEST anxiety book on the planet…but it is REALLY REALLY GOOD! I want to share with you a part from The Anxious Athlete eBook on my battle with Agoraphobia, so if you are suffering from Agoraphobia get your thinking caps on and get ready to end your fears once and for all!

How I Stopped My Agoraphobia

My own 31 days of agoraphobia came to an end towards the end of summer in the year 2011. I had no choice because my time off work was coming to an end. I knew it was time to face my fears. So this is what I did:

1. I left my house. I forced myself to stop avoiding and start facing the public places I feared most. Although I still avoided much of my friends and family in order to hide my condition, the overwhelming feelings of intense panic slowly started to subside as I put effort into reconditioning a new mindset about the places I feared, and making certain lifestyle changes that would add to my recovery from GAD and panic. I remember vividly the first place I went to when I left my house and that was the grocery store. On that day it seemed I had killed two birds with one stone, I overcame my agoraphobia and also went somewhere crowded and normally uncomfortable for me, as I walked the two very long blocks to the grocery store that day I remember being aware of everything around me from the cameras at the stop lights to the design on an old man’s hat, everything. I felt a little lost and confused but I thought who cares, I’ve made a decision, I’ve learned from others who have overcame their own mental struggles and I’m ready to take on the world. As I continued walking I became more aware of my panicky bodily sensations and they were creeping up on me fast, I felt my heart palpitating and dizziness kicking in but this time I was prepared for them. I quickly remembered the movie The Gladiator and how Maximus mentioned “death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.” So with that in my mind and my immense fear of death due to what my panicky sensations might do to me…

I smiled back!96197250_5e7ff15d17

I had brought with me a recording that I recorded myself that reminded me to simply ‘allow’ the sensations to be present, then apply a challenge to a physical exercise which for me was power walking to the store, and the challenge was to get to the store in seven minutes flat, the final step was to let the storm pass. This recording played through my headphones over and over again and repeatedly kept my mind focused on facing the fear and not running from it. I got to the grocery and accomplished my challenge of seven minutes, got what I needed, check out and applied the same three step reminders on the way back. As I got home I didn’t care who was watching I pranced around just outside my door like a conquering hero, I was thrilled and now I realized that I am in fact welcoming the challenges that my mental health was creating rather than running from them and I couldn’t wait for the next day to feel that same sense of accomplishment again.

2. I created new meanings for what I was afraid of. Of course, it took time for the new data in my mind to kick in.best panic and anxiety book

3. I was proactive. If you are struggling with your own mental health, you have to become a great problem solver, and not play the victim card day in and day out.

4. I focused on celebrity success stories. These stories gave me that light at the end of the tunnel that for so long I believed didn’t exist.

5. I surrounded myself with positive people. I learned the importance of who you surround yourself with and how you go about overcoming anxiety disorders, you don’t overcome your fears by listening to other people talk about what a victim they are and how depressed their day has been. Sure, you can comfort them, but if you spend most of your time going from forum to forum online simply listening and sharing your sob story with the world day after day, don’t expect anything to change. I went to the people who had overcome their fears, and I just followed how they did it. Inspiration is a powerful thing and it was the fuel for me when it came to ending my agoraphobia.

A great support team is absolutely vital!best anxiety book

expressing yourself consistently with someone that understands what it’s like to have gone through a traumatic event themselves, or a professional who has dealt with some PTSD victims in their past will over time make the memories of the event less and less frightening.

In the case of agoraphobia caused by PTSD, a treatment that works for one person, such as gradual desensitizing, may not work for another person, and some sufferers may need to try different treatments in order to find what works for them. But if you persevere and find what works, you will get your life back and reep the rewards for overcoming your greatest fears! 

Now Get Out And Take On The World Because The World Truly Needs You!

Want more? This completely downloadable eBook can be found on the inspirational eBook page.