Imagination, Anxiety, And Panic Overload!

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Ah Yes Our Imagination…

The very thing that sets us apart from other species, our wonderful and also self destructing brain. The very thing that manipulates ideas, images, and gives us that right amount of juice to solve even the most complex problems and come up with new ideas. Although there is no real straight forward answer when it comes to which part of the brain our imagination comes from (although a good case could be made for that area in the back of your head called the occiptal cortex), what we do know as past and present humans who deal with anxiety disorders on a daily basis is our imagination can run wild!

Most people who deal with panic and anxiety have an overactive imagination, and see things consistently going wrong

So a close friend Ryan calls me up and asks me to help him with this problem that he’s having. Basically he’s driving himself mad by going over what could go wrong in every situation he’s presented with, and experiences regular debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. I quickly realize that Ryan is completely stuck in the panic cycle, and within a few minutes talking with him can see that most of his focus is on himself even during the conversation we’re having. His awareness of the physical world around him is slim, his anxiety and nervousness through his actions as we speak are quite obvious, and he’s basically in need of a wake-up call to head in a new direction.

The key for Ryan is to get himself out of the cycle of me and what’s going on within me, and into a world where he is much more conscious of his surroundings

Dr Claire Weekes calls it ‘nervous illness’ and I think we have to careful that we don’t use the world illness in there. Reason being people with anxiety disorders are extremely sensitive, and highly sensitized creatures. So let’s start calling Ryan’s condition: imagination overload, shall we. Ryan’s innapropriate responses to non threatening stimulus has gone on for too long, and just by looking at him I can tell it is chronic and severe. So where does Ryan start to turn this panic and anxiety cycle around you may be wondering?

Ending this self destructing imagination and anxiety disorder all together starts with using a different part of the brain

thinking outside the box to stop anxiety and panic

No one said it would be easy to start thinking outside the box…

This is the reason I love Marie Gardiner’s Relaxation With Physical Anchor audio session. It takes the person with the anxiety condition out of the cycle of me me me, and re-conditions them to think more ‘outside the box.’ By re-training our mind to accept our anxiety in the present moment, and turn our focus fully to what may be going on in our outside world we begin to slowly turn our anxiety switch off.

I actually remember one of the most empowering and at the same time most frightful things I ever did during my 6 year battle with an anxiety disorder, and that was simply to watch my anxiety. Not run, not fight back, not go online to search for what this symptom of anxiety might mean, but to sit with it and simply become an observer in the present moment. 

Incredibly, I started to tip the scales in favor of a more positive imagination rather then negative

It took time to get completely comfortable with my physical symptoms of anxiety, and be able to move with them as I went about doing what I needed to do during my days. But as i’ve told Ryan, CONFIDENCE IS EVERYTHING (sorry for the caps, but you get the message). So if you’re in Ryan’s situation currently, I advise you to understand this valuable information fully, but  first put yourself in the right state by picturing the rewards you’ll gain from overcoming your own anxiety disorder and imagination overload naturally. It all starts there…

To begin your natural recovery from an anxiety disorder visit to learn more about the proven End The Anxiety Program.


Ending The Cycle Of Panic Attacks

ending the cycle of panic attacks

Your mind constantly monitors your state of being at every moment to judge wether or not you might need your fight or flight response. As your general anxiety levels drop you’re going to find that your panic attacks lessen and eventually disappear. For a long time just after my last panic attacks I would still experience sensations like body zaps and heart palpitations. But my anxiety levels came down to a 3 out of 10 by that time, rather than the norm of what it used to be around a 9 out of 10 on most days. This change in fact made those past terrible sensations of panic feel normal, and eventually subsided completely.

The formula for ending the cycle of panic attacksCycle of panic attacks help

Jack Canfield, the author of the chicken soup for the soul books says it perfectly; The outcome (O) to any event is the result of the event (E) itself times our reaction (R) to that event (O = E x R), the recognition that we have control over our reaction to an event means that we ultimately control the outcome, and can reduce and eliminate the fight or flight response at times when it’s not needed.

By desensitizing our emotional triggers we develop higher tolerance levels for things that used to easily overwhelm us. Thus ending the cycle of panic attacks once and for all.

To learn how you can begin turning your panic attacks and gerenalized anxiety into a thing of the past, visit to learn more about the end the anxiety program today. 

How To Stop A Panic Attack Fast! (Video)

Hi everyone, allow me to share with you one of my videos on panic attacks. More specifically:

How to stop a panic attack fast!

my first panic attack

My panic attacks regularly drew me to the local emergency rooms, I even got to know the local staff there pretty well after some time.

If you’ve conversed with me in the past, or have overcome your own panic and anxiety disorder through the end the anxiety program, you know the importance me and my team place on consistent restructuring of your thoughts and actions towards your fears and anxieties in your life. You also know the deep connection I place on exercise, and  it’s relationship against panic/anxiety attacks. But also the positives towards alleviating depression, keeping you more focused, inscreasing memory and even de-stressing your life.

Let’s get to the video, and learn how to stop a panic attack in the fastest, most natural way available to us today:

Fear And Anxiety Eliminator Challenge #9

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Hello Incredible Followers Of The Anxious Athlete Blog!

Welcome to fear eliminator challenge #9 and today we want to focus on the idea of patience. Stopping an anxiety disorder naturally take patience, but few of us ever master this valuable skill. In a world where solutions happen at the touch of a button for most problems, dealing with anxiety naturally is a whole different story. In my 6 steps to stop generalized anxiety disorder video, the 6th step as mentioned is patience. Once you begin applying natural tools to stopping your panic and anxiety, and techniques that have worked for others then it’s time to move through your anxiety day by day without judging how well it’s working. This doesn’t happen overnight, and is a skill that must be mastered. In time you will realize that you’re spending less and less time worrying about things like your symptoms of anxiety, your panic attacks, or any other worrying condition that takes control of your entire day sometimes. So practice patience today, master this skill, and soon you’ll be able to kiss your panic and anxiety goodbye.

Don’t forget to follow my blog, or LIKE The Anxious Athlete on Facebook for updates on the next Fear Eliminator Challenge!