Ending The Cycle Of Panic Attacks

ending the cycle of panic attacks

Your mind constantly monitors your state of being at every moment to judge wether or not you might need your fight or flight response. As your general anxiety levels drop you’re going to find that your panic attacks lessen and eventually disappear. For a long time just after my last panic attacks I would still experience sensations like body zaps and heart palpitations. But my anxiety levels came down to a 3 out of 10 by that time, rather than the norm of what it used to be around a 9 out of 10 on most days. This change in fact made those past terrible sensations of panic feel normal, and eventually subsided completely.

The formula for ending the cycle of panic attacksCycle of panic attacks help

Jack Canfield, the author of the chicken soup for the soul books says it perfectly; The outcome (O) to any event is the result of the event (E) itself times our reaction (R) to that event (O = E x R), the recognition that we have control over our reaction to an event means that we ultimately control the outcome, and can reduce and eliminate the fight or flight response at times when it’s not needed.

By desensitizing our emotional triggers we develop higher tolerance levels for things that used to easily overwhelm us. Thus ending the cycle of panic attacks once and for all.

To learn how you can begin turning your panic attacks and gerenalized anxiety into a thing of the past, visit www.theanxietyguy.com to learn more about the end the anxiety program today. 

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