Conquering The Fear Of Anxiety And Panic Attacks Takes Knowledge

sensations of anxiety help

In step 3 of the 7 most crucial steps to stop your generalized anxiety disorder naturally…

I mention the importance of becoming knowledgable about your anxiety condition. This may be the most crucial step out of the 7 because the very act of learning more about your anxiety and panic condition, can put you in a position to lose the fears you currently hold all together. In this circumstance knowledge really is power. By building one brick on top of the other as you educate yourself on how the brain works, what your fight or flight response is, and how subconsciously you may be feeding your high levels of anxiety daily, you truly begin to build confidence in the face of fear and anxiety. It’s at this point that you begin turning what looks like a giant monster, into a tiny fly very quickly…

Follow The Anxiety Guy blog for the very best panic and anxiety support you’ll find online.

Is It Stress? Mild Anxiety? Or A Real Disorder That You Have?

When Is Anxiety A Disorder?

Anxiety is classified as a disorder when it becomes chronic, obsessive and overwhelming. If you are suffering from anxiety, it will affect you in at least four different ways:

– The way you think
– The way you feel
– The way your body works
– They way you behave

Anxiety can affect you in very real, physical ways. Some of the physical symptoms of anxiety include:

symptoms of anxiety medications

If this is you, there are natural alternatives. All it takes is a little nudge to get you headed in the right direction…

– Feeling nervous, anxious or frightened
– Sweating
– Shortness of breath
– Increased heart rate
– Trembling
– Muscle tension
– Feeling nauseous
– Feeling dizzy or light-headed
– Dry mouth
– Tingling or prickling in hands and feet
– Vision problems
– Butterflies or churning in the stomach
– Tight or knotted feeling in the chest

Some of the emotional symptoms of anxiety include:

– Dreaminess
– Tiredness
– Nightmares or bad dreams
– Depersonalization (feeling removed from yourself)
– Derealization (feeling as if you are in a nightmare or dream)
– Depressive thoughts
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, obsessive thoughts or compulsions
– Thoughts of a sexual or violent nature. Inappropriate thoughts about people you love, sometimes of a violent or sexual nature
– Increased violence/aggression
– Mood swings
– Inability to love/ inability to care for others
– Agoraphobia, social phobia, shyness
– Feeling like you can’t cope
– Disinterest in life

The mental symptoms of anxiety can cross over with the emotional symptoms of anxiety:

how to stop anxiety

Live by these words…

– Thinking that you may be losing your mind
– Thinking that you can’t cope
– Thinking that you may be having a heart attack
– Feeling that you are losing control
– Worrying that you may be faint or sick
– Thinking that there may be something wrong with your brain (for example, a tumor)
– Worrying that people are looking at you and thinking that you might be acting strangely
– Worrying that you might be making a fool of yourself or doing or saying something silly
– Wanting to escape and get to a safe place

While the behavioral symptoms include:

– Making excuses to avoid going out or doing something
– Only going to quiet places or being in very small groups
– Only going to places where you can get lost in a crowd and avoid being alone with people
– Crossing the street to avoid people
– Rushing out of places or situations when feeling anxious
– Going to the toilet to escape from things
– Not saying anything when with other people
– Talking all the time to avoid feeling uncomfortable
– Using ‘props’ before you go out such as alcohol or drugs
– Sitting near the doors in buildings or at the end of rows or as far back as possible

Although these symptoms of anxiety are actually entirely normal they can be very distressing for anyone suffering from them. It is when we feel that we cannot control these or the other mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms of anxiety that we move from experiencing normal levels of anxiety, to suffering from an anxiety disorder.

The End The Anxiety Program makes the steps  to overcoming an anxiety disorder as simple as possible. Through the powerful and easy to listen to audio files, as well as the best anxiety support you’ll find online, the program will allow you to find peace and meaning in your life once again. This will lead to turning your attention away from trying to find a solution to your anxiety constantly, and onto things that truly matter in your life. Visit to learn more.

Inspirational Message Of The Day For Anxiety Sufferers!

telling others about your anxietyIt can be frustrating trying to explain your anxiety condition to others. Understand that if it hasn’t been experienced by others, they simply won’t be able to comprehend your story.

Sunday Giveaway Time!

best anxiety book

So I’ve been hard at work trying to come up with a guide that will help YOU the person dealing with anxiety, panic attacks etc. This guide called The Anxious Brain Unmasked was created out of sadness to tell you the truth. As I was visiting the many Facebook groups related to anxiety disorders, I noticed a common thing in everyone who was dealing with anxiety. That common thing was that everyone was confused, mainly about where to start on their road to recovery and how to stop anxiety.

Now You Have A Definite Place To Start Your Journey Past Anxiety!

Questions such as what the best anti anxiety medication was, and how to get through a panic attack were filling the updated posts faster then I could say PANIC ATTACK! So what I want to do for you is put to rest all those lingering questions, all those myths about anxiety that keep you in a cycle of worry and stress, and much more. This guide is something I recommend not only for the actual person with the anxiety condition but for your friends, your family members, heck even a stranger that you think is going through an increasingly anxious time in their lives and need some answers from someone who’s been there and recovered naturally.

There’s no charge for the guide.

Once you click on the link below, it will take you to the guide where I want you to scroll to the top left corner where the arrow pointing down is. Click that arrow, and download the guide to your desktop. This way you’ll be able to refer back to it whenever you want.

Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know how things are going with the anxious brain unmasked eBook, and have an excellent Sunday everyone.

1 Symptom Of Anxiety, 50 Potential Illnesses Thanks To Doctor Google

DR Google and anxiety

Have you ever goggled your symptom of anxiety before? Of course you have what am I thinking. Funny enough my anxiety would flare up if there was no WiFi where I was going, because I just had to research what this NEW symptom of anxiety was right away. Of course this cycle is one that many many people with constant symptoms of anxiety experience, reason? Because what’s the first line of treatments we have when it comes to dealing with anxiety? Doctors, unfortunately they aren’t too bright when it comes to dealing with a patients anxiety issues, and they are all trained to give the same answers which is medication and psychotherapy. That’s just not good enough for the average person who suffers from an anxiety disorder in my opinion.

Oh That Cycle Of Researching Symptoms Of Anxiety On Dr Google

Once the medication is given to us, the first thing many anxiety sufferers do is of course head back to trusted DR Google. We research the facts, success stories, and failures of this new unknown drug we are about to take. Problem is, keeping track of whether or not the anxiety medication is working or not causes the person dealing with anxiety to feel even MORE stress and anxiety. Than of course the anxiety sufferer doesn’t see the results they are hoping for from the medication (because the whole chemical imbalance theory is flawed), and immediately is faced with two options:

1) continue taking the prescribed medication that they were told will combat their depressed and anxious state.

2) Stop the medication and look for other options

Health anxiety is a very tricky thing, so don’t beat yourself up over the thoughts and symptoms of anxiety you are experiencing on a daily basis. Crazy thing is EVERYONE experiences things such as body zaps, lump in the throat feelings, sweaty palms etc but simply don’t view them as a threat to their lives. Examples of these feelings are for instance when a non anxiety sufferer goes to the movies and tears up, the lump in the throat feeling is present but the link has been made between the movie and the feeling. So the person knows there is no need to alert the inner alarm system that is built into each one of us.

There are a few things you can do starting today to get on the road to stopping your fears and symptoms of anxiety though.

So here are the 10 steps you MUST implement starting today:

1) Stop looking for instant results

2) Convince the part of you that doesn’t really want to change

3) Become knowledgeable about your condition, and understand that you don’t have an actual serious illness

4) Stop visiting the doctor about your symptoms of anxiety

5) Stop researching your condition on DR Google now

6) Stop listening to advice that isn’t working

7) Stop avoiding EVERYTHING that you fear

8) Slow everything you do down

9) Understand that you are not a mind reader, and can not read what others may be thinking about you

10) Understand that setbacks during the times of recovery from anxiety are inevitable

Begin implementing these 10 steps today, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the person you once were and ending your struggles with your symptoms of anxiety once and for all.

The End The Anxiety Program is a natural solution for anyone suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or Panic Disorder and constant panic attacks. The program was put together by a multitude of people who have overcome their own anxiety disorder naturally, and will help show you the way to move through your anxiety naturally and fearlessly. Visit to learn more.