Fun Fact Of The Day


I actually asked my fiancee about this fact, and she supports the idea that life is much less depressive and stressful when you have more guy friends than girls. She also mentioned that women are in the habit of being ‘nice’ all the time, and with guy friends their opinions on personal things like outfits, body weight etc can be much more truthful. Finally she mentioned how moving day can be a breeze because of your guy friends, and there would be no need to hire movers.

This one’s definitely a thinker, so what do you think?

4 Biggest Questions About The End The Anxiety Program


The 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions About The End The Anxiety Program:

Why The End The Anxiety Program?

The end the anxiety program will completely eliminate your anxiety disorder in a natural and proven way. Even if you’ve been suffering for years, you can again in a short amount of time get your life back to the way it was…and better.

What Is The Main Purpose Of The End The Anxiety program?

The program is an alternative to harmful anti-anxiety medications, and anti-depressants and will give you the peace your mind and body wants and needs.

How Does The Program Work?

It works by subconsciously reconditioning your anxious beliefs and consciously reconditioning your actions. This is done through a downloadable step by step audio program, that is also accompanied by our ‘checking in’ system which provides the #1 professional anxiety support you’ll find on your road to recovery.

Does The Program Work For People With Moderate Stress Levels As Well? How Else Does It Work?

The end the anxiety program is also proven to work for people with varying degrees of stress and anxiety levels. This can include trying to overcome stressful situations such as phobias, fear of driving, fear of flying, or any other temporary fear that is holding you back from living a fulfilling life.

If you want to learn more about the end the anxiety program, and begin bringing your anxiety levels way down to a manageable level, visit today.

Believe In Yourself And Follow The Best


Richard Bransons incredible perspective on life, and extreme experiences opened my eyes to what was actually possible for me in this world. Feeding off of someone’s zest for life and modeling yourself the way I did with Richard Branson, can take a lot of self made pressure off your shoulders. All you have to do is follow the path that others have taken sometimes to achieve what you want.

Anxiety And Breathing Properly, What’s The Connection?

breathing against anxiety

Breathing properly is one of the simplest ways to drain away tension and relieve your stress. By simply changing your breathing patterns, you can rapidly induce a greater state of relaxation. If you can control the way you breath, you have a powerful tool to reduce bodily tension.

Most likely, you take breathing for granted (am I right?). You’ve been breathing for years, you’d think by now you would have it figured out. Unfortunately, there is such a thing as “breathing badly,” and it can take many forms. You can be a chest and shoulder breather, bringing air into your lungs by expanding your chest cavity and raising your shoulders. This description often fits people who have a touch of vanity and opt for never sticking their tummy out when they breath. You can also be a breath holder, stopping your breathing entirely when you’re distracted or lost in thought. Both are inefficient, stress-producing forms of breathing, and when you are under stress your breathing patterns deteriorate even more. To make things worse, once your breathing goes array, you feel even more stressed out. Have I gotten your full attention on how important proper breathing is yet? OK good!

Why Change it Now?

When you feel stressed, your breathing becomes faster and shallower. When you breathe this way, your body reacts in this way:

  • Less oxygen reaches your bloodstream
  • Your blood vessels constrict
  • Less oxygen reaches your brain
  • Your heart rate and your blood pressure go up
  • You feel light-headed, shaky, and more tense

Those cavemen ancestors of ours knew how to breathe. They didn’t have to deal with the IRS, delayed plane travel, or that boss from hell (and i’ve had a few of them believe me). Today very few people know how to breathe right. Generally opera singers, stage actors, musicians, and a few yoga instructors breathe effectively. The rest of us have lost the art completely.

All Is Not Lost!

For a short period in your life, you did get the whole breathing thing right. As a baby, you breathed beautifully. Your belly rose and fell in a relaxed way. But then you grew up and let life and stress take away that relaxed breath. Luckily, you can re-teach yourself to breathe properly again!

Yes, breathing is a way to get air into your lungs. But that’s not all it’s good for. In past times, breathing had an elevated status. Religious groups and sects believed that a calming breath replenished the soul as well as soothed the body. The word ruach (what a yucky word) in Hebrew and the word pneuma in Greek have double meanings, meaning both breath and spirit. There you go not one, but two lessons learned today. Now let’s take today to focus in on how we’re breathing, and begin shutting anxiety down slowly!

Through our new system of ‘checking in’ the End The Anxiety Program now provides the very best support through your recovery from anxiety related issues. With every great online program there must be great support to help in times of need and you’ll find it all at

Have You Checked Your Stress Inventory Lately?

Stress Test

Here’s the question of the day for the followers of the anxious athlete blog…Do you know EXACTLY where your stress is coming from, or do you generalize? The problem with generalizing is that you can’t pinpoint what’s causing your stress on a daily basis, therefore not finding a solution. My second question to you is, are you worth 30minutes of time today to do something for yourself? If you said yes then congratulations and read on. The free Stress Inventory PDF will pinpoint EXACTLY what is causing you to feel stressed out, which means you’re half way there to turning certain stressful aspects of your life around starting today!

SO what you must do now is click on the link below and download your personal stress inventory pdf now, then take 30 minutes to complete it, and finally either contact me through my contact page or give your feedback on your new discoveries about yourself in the comment section at the bottom of this page.

Looking forward to your questions and comments…

Click Here —->