The Top Signs Of Stress That May Be Leading You Towards Burnout

all the signs of stress and burnout

Stress is the way your body reacts to demands.

I want you to to take a few minutes to think of what’s causing stress in your life. Some of the more common signs of stress are things like schedule changes, deadlines at work, lack of sleep and certain relationships with friends and family members. Understand right here as you keep reading this post that unless you deal with these signs of stress, you are headed down a road that leads to complete burnout and it’s not a pretty one once you get there I can tell you that.

Introducing To You, The ‘Glands Of Stress’

Your adrenal glands are basically your best friends that reside in your body that we take for granted. Their job is to enable your body to deal with stress from each and every possible source out there. Everything from your daily energy, your resiliancy and pretty much your quality of life all depends on how weel they function each and everyday.

When Your Adrenal Glands Aren’t Functioning Correctly Lethargy (lack of energy) Will Strike You Like Lightning!

You may wake up one day and think what the heck? I feel like complete crap! If this is the case answer these 6 questions right now in the signs os stress and burnoutyour head, and lets’s find out whether or not the signs of stress in your life have led you to burnout:

1) Has your ability to handle, and deal with stress as well as pressure decreased in the last few weeks?

2) Has your thinking become confused when you are hurried or under pressure lately (foggy, can’t think clear)?

3) In the last few weeks does EVERYTHING seem like a chore, even things that used to comes easy for you to do?

4) If you don’t get to sleep by 11pm do you get a second wind of energy that often lasts until 1 or 2 am?

5) Do you get colds and coughs that seem to stick around for weeks at a time?

6) Is your sex drive noticably less then it used to be?

So How Did You Do?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of those questions them read on, if you answered no to most of those questions… then read on anyway.

As I sit here and dive into this somewhat large piece of dark chocolate in my hands, I have to admit i’ve been there and know exactly where you’re coming from. Remember that quick scan of of your life at the beginning of the article, the one where you identified the signs of stress and anxiety in your life? Well it’s time to go a step farther now so we can create the ultimate…

Good, Bad and Extremely Ugly Chart!

good, bad and ugly for stress and burnout

Still love that movie… Just saying.

This is going to take anywhere from 5 to 5 hours of your time (depending on a number of things). So grab a piece of paper and make 3 columns. One on the top left that reads GOOD, one in the middle that reads BAD, and the last one on the top right that says UGLY. Now look to see what is working, and what are the signs of stress that are draining you and leading you and your ‘glands of stress’ towards what seems like inevitable burnout. In the good section you could write things like: Writing in the evenings, bike rides in the morning with Sara, the types of things that will contribute to your overall well being and help your adrenal glands out. In the bad column write down the things that are detracting from your life such as being a couch potato and watching too much tv, being a perfectionist or being around Jane too much. In the ugly column write down all the things that are in the short term help list that are the energy robbers in your life such as alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, anything that you feel you need to rely on to get you going.

Start The Cycle Of Stop-Breathe-Reflect-Choose To Deal With The Signs Of Stress Now

My personal favourite part of this cycle is the reflect part, it’s powerful stuff if you do it right.

Make this weekend the weekend that you begin moving away from stress and burnout. Start the process of completely eliminating the tension and tightness that you hold in your mind and body. Know that you always have a choice in the matter. You have a choice whether to look at something as a problem or as a challenge, you have the choice of whether to think in more positive ways or negative ways during the day.

Remember that It’s the choices you make today that will make your life more enjoyable, and less demanding for the future.

Is there a natural supplement or daily routine that has helped you combat your signs of stress and burnout? Share your personal comments and experiences in the comment section below.